Thursday, July 20, 2017


Last spring/summer I had a big goal: to be able to do a wide-grip pull-up.

It doesn't sound like a big goal to those who can do several pull-ups, but I have always struggled with them.
I could do chin-ups with a neutral grip, about two or three, and "bicep-focused" chin-ups, that is, with an underhand grip, but not an overhand wide-grip pull-up.

But - I set myself a goal and I made it! I think I even managed two pull-ups with good form, slowly and controlled, no jerking.
Pull-ups on a wide-grip bar summer 2016.
Then I closed the project and focused on deadlifts (so much more fun) and other lifts (baby bench?) - also, for a while in the winter, me and favoritegymbuddy challenged each other for a series of neutral grip chin-ups - both of us had issues with a shoulder, so neutral grips were our choice.

Favoritegymbuddy would suggest a number, and I would do half of those.
Well, he might be almost twice as heavy as me, but he for sure is a heck lot stronger than me (let
's say I can bench 30kg for ten reps - he could bench 200kg for ten reps - so he is almost seven times stronger. Not in the deadlift though, btw)

Well now my left shoulder is completely fine - and I can hang on a straight bar without pain or problems - and doing pull-ups between low bar squats feels so good, it's as though my compressed shoulders and arms and wrists are getting stretched out and decompressed again!

So - I'm starting slowly again, with the second strongest tube I could find (a green one), and started five sets of five reps last week, and did five sets of six reps this week - I am planning to switch to the next tube when I reach ten reps pr set and so on... that worked fine for me last year, and by doing reps with relatively low "weight" I can maintain proper form and still exhaust my muscles and make them grow stronger!

Oh nice - there is perfect lightning at the pull-ups bar... Hello nice back :D

I think pull-ups are a nice as accessory work - so and now that I'm switching from four to three workouts pr week, I'll do them three times a week - and that should give results after a while!

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